
Business Leadership "On Purpose"

Business coach Robert Knowlton wrote a little over a year ago:

"There are two types of things that can knock you off course.

  1. The environment around you -- competition, the market, a snow storm, and
  2. Your own beliefs about yourself-- your commitment, effort and determination.

You cannot do much about the weather, but your own effort, commitment and beliefs are within your control."

If you are a business leader, this alert is very important. It can help you recognize that despite most of the teachings about leadership, being an effective leader is only partially about who you are, what you believe, what is important to you and what you do. The other part is the environment around you-other leaders, employees, competitors, customers, investors and so on.

If you buy that, then you can ask, "What is the purpose of business leadership?" There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the environment, on such things as the nature of your business, the pace of organization change, specialization in markets, new technology, looming crisis, etc. These, in turn, help you determine your business' objectives.

For example, if your company is in recovery mode or facing a market shift, the purpose of leadership may be to get others to focus attention on what customers need and how your products or services can be attractive to them. As a business leader you may focus your energy on connecting with potential clients, gaining their trust and confidence, and establishing strategic relationships.

Defining the purpose of leadership is even more important when there are several or more leaders within your company. The growing complexity of doing business in this world of rapid change almost assures that there are. Getting these leaders aligned and engaged with a shared purpose is also one of the tasks of leadership.

Each leader brings their own set of assumptions and beliefs, their aspirations and commitments. If these are at variance with the purpose of leadership, then leaders will pull in different directions or work at cross-purposes. Thus, it is important that each leader be clear about what they are committed to and how they can align with others to support the business in achieving objectives.

Coaching is a wonderful approach to helping leaders accomplish this and more. A coach working with a business leader or executive on the issues of their leadership would do well to make sure that development is grounded in the dynamics of business objectives and the individual leaders' relationship to those.

Here are some things a coach can do to help business leaders get "on purpose:"

Coaching leaders is about a lot more than personal style, communications skills and career objectives. It is about working as the interface between the individual and the business or organization. One key element of this is assuring that business leaders are leading on purpose.

There are four contexts of business leadership. By engaging all, executives can create a more solid margin of success for their companies. Coaches need to understand these.

Check Schaller International LLC for more information.

Do You Need a Coach?

As people seek better lives for themselves, either personally or professionally, or both, they're more likely to find outside help to get them there: a professional coach.

With coaching all around, we wouldn't blame you for wondering, Is it time for me to get a coach? Here are some FAQs with answers before you jump into a coaching relationship:

Who are these people?

There are an estimated 20,000 coaches around the globe. Although coaching certificates are good things to look for, the most important credential a coach needs is your trust to help you get to that place of self-awareness.

What kind of coach is right for me?

Executive coaches, who typically work with executives in large firms and business owners in small companies, are brought in as (mostly) agenda-free surrogate mentors. That's become especially important in this mobile age when it's rare to find a lifelong veteran available to offer support and guidance.

Life coaches, on the other hand, are brought in to help people reorder their life to get to where they want to be. Making hard choices about what's important and paying attention to your intentions requires being listened to by a supportive, brainstorming and independent viewpoint.

Who needs a coach?

People seek out coaches for an infinite variety of reasons, but there are two typical coaches: people navigating some significant transition in their life or career and those who have some inkling that their leadership style or personality is holding them back.

FORTUNE magazine reported that one reader said, "I went into the coaching experience kicking and screaming, at the insistence of my then-boss. And what an eye-opener it turned out to be. I won't even go into the grim details of bad management habits I had unthinkingly developed in my 14-year career up to that point--but I will say that since I was 'cured' by 12 weeks of pretty intense coaching, I've been promoted three times."

What does coaching cost?

Executive coaching engagements typically cost upward of $10,000 per person over a set period of time and include a few face-to-face meetings followed by email and telephone discussions. To help develop executives internally, rather than look for outsiders, companies are often more happy to foot the bill to fix dysfunctional leaders.

Some enterprising fast-trackers can and do shell out for their own advancement. As the price slides downward, though, the buyer should beware.

What should you expect?

Coaching is not a substitute for therapy and it's not a business strategy. The clients do the heavy lifting. The coach guides the person being coached by asking the right questions. The client has to figure out what behavior needs to change and how best to change it.

Does coaching work?

People seeking coaching are self-selecting, so the answer is yes. However, it is best to maintain a guarded edge during the coach selection process to make a good match between what you want out of the coaching experience and the person who can guide you throughout the coaching process.

You might wanna check out Schaller International LLC to know more about leading your team.

Depression, Panic and Anxiety

What is depression?

According to the World Health Organization, major depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide among people aged 5 years and older. It is also the most common and widespread of all psychiatric disorders. Depression can range from mild to severe and takes a significant toll on individuals, families, and society. It also negatively affects the economy through diminished productivity and use of healthcare resources.

The signs of a major depressive episode include the minimum of a two-week period with 5 or more of the following symptoms present most of the day, nearly every day. Depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure must be present.

  1. Depressed mood which may include persistent sadness or excessive crying
  2. Marked loss of interest in one's usual activities
  3. Significant weight loss or gain
  4. Insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
  5. Physically restless or agitated or significantly slowed down
  6. Fatigue or loss of energy
  7. Feeling life to be empty and without pleasure
  8. Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt
  9. Diminished ability to think, concentrate or make decisions
  10. Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal feelings or thoughts

Eight Critical Risk Factors for Suicide:

A recent research project which questioned 500 practicing psychologists identified these eight critical risk factors for suicide in patients with major depression:

Note: Dysthymia (which is defined as a sub-threshold depression accompanied by gloominess, lack of pleasure, low drive and energy, low self-esteem and a pessimistic outlook), bereavement, or stress can cause depressive symptoms to a lesser degree.

What causes depression?

Major Depression, Bipolar illness and Dysthymia are all considered biological illnesses. They are caused by certain problems in brain chemistry. Often the brain does not have enough serotonin. We understand clearly now, however, that depression and dysthymia are not purely biological in origin and, in fact, can actually be a tool for survival.

Most antidepressants and St. John's Wort works by increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain. However, medication alone is seldom the solution. Learning new ways of thinking and responding to life is also an important part of treating depression.

Grief from a loss or some kind of major trauma or tragedy can make someone very sad. The loss of a loved one, job, home, health, mobility, and independence can all be causes of grief. If a person is biologically prone to depression, this grief can increase the chances of developing or exacerbating the illness. If you are experiencing severe grief which has lasted for more than a couple of months, you may have moved into depression. You will improve with treatment.

Those who have experienced severe loss, trauma, neglect and abuse in childhood, or violence at any age, can also develop depression. We now understand that events such as these can actually change brain chemistry. This is why medication can be helpful. Therapy can change brain chemistry, too and the combination of therapy and medication can be more effective than either by itself.

What is Bi-Polar Disorder?

Pi-polar disorder is a condition in which depression and mania alternate.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Sunlight affects levels of serotonin in the brain. In the winter when we spend more time indoors and there is less available sunlight, serotonin is affected in some people. These people become depressed only in the winter.

What is the treatment for depression?

Research has proven that for many people depression is best treated with a combination of therapy and antidepressant medication. However, if there is a reason that you are hesitant to take antidepressant medication, you can be helped by therapy alone. There are many different kinds of therapy available.

What is negative self-talk?

Negative self-talk plays a big part in depression. Some examples of this are:

  1. The world is a terrible place.
  2. I never do anything right.
  3. No one loves me.
  4. I am alone.
  5. I will never get over this.
  6. I can never please anyone.
  7. Other people always do everything wrong.
  8. I am worthless.
  9. I don't deserve to exist.

In reality the world has both good and bad events and actions. Negative thinkers see only the negative. They are in so much pain that they can no longer see beyond it to the positive things in the world and in their lives. They need to retrain their brains to see both the positive and the negative.

Polarized, or black and white thinking sees only good or bad, right or wrong, and nothing in between. Black and white thinkers usually believe that there is only one "right" way of doing things. An important part of therapy is learning to see the gray, learning to tolerate life's ambiguities, and learning to trust yourself and the choices you make.

Numbers 8 and 9 are examples of shame. Shame-based people have a very difficult struggle to redefine themselves, but it is possible to do with good therapeutic help

What is the difference between Panic and Anxiety?

Panic is the body's automatic response to fear or a threatening situation. It comes from the sympathetic nervous system. We sense danger and our bodies prepare for fight or flight. Panic is often be connected to a trauma that has occurred earlier in a person's life.

With anxiety, we experience feelings of nervousness or worry. Most people experience some anxiety at some time. It is a signal that tells us we are in new life-territory and unsure, or that keeps us alert and on our toes as we perform a risky or dangerous task. However, if a person has a high level of anxiety most of the time for no apparent reason, it becomes a problem.

Often, people who experience frequent panic attacks also begin to experience a great deal of anxiety, too. In fact, the anxiety is often about whether or not the panic will occur.

What can help alleviate anxiety?

As with depression, a combination of therapy and medication can be effective in the treatment of anxiety. A natural treatment for panic and anxiety is Thought Field Therapy™, which works on the energy meridians that are used in acupuncture and acupressure. For mild anxiety or sleeplessness, some natural treatments are Valerian Root, Kava-Kava, Chamomile, and passion flower. These have been used for centuries in some cultures.

Some other suggestions for dealing with anxiety:

  1. Relaxation and visualization exercises can be very useful in reducing anxiety and worry. There are many books and tapes available (see Links).
  2. Caffeine is a stimulant. If you are drinking more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day, it probably is increasing your nervousness.
  3. Do not drink alcohol right before bed. While it may help you relax initially, it increases restlessness during sleep and you will not get a good night's rest.
  4. A daily gratitude list can be very helpful in changing. Write one down every day in a notebook or journal. Include all the things that you are grateful for and, perhaps, some positive affirmations.
  5. Explore the concept of powerlessness. Reading and mindfulness meditation can help you develop an understanding that you cannot change events and other people and that everything that happens is an opportunity for growth.
  6. Sometimes it helps to get the focus off of you to help someone else. You can forget your own troubles for a little while. Allow others to help you when you need it, too. It's as good for them as it is for you.

Does spirituality help?

I believe that all of life is a journey of the spirit and that everything that happens - including the randomness of grave illness, trauma, violence, and loss - is part of our spiritual path. It is often a crisis - past or present - which provides us with the stimulus to find the help we need to reclaim the wholeness with which we came into the world.

Check Schaller International LLC for more information.

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